Czas przygotowania
Czas całkowity
Przepis jest testowany
- TM 31
opublikowany: 20/10/10
zmieniono dnia: 29/11/11
- 700 g wody
- 6 jajek
- 1 awokado, duże, dojrzałe
- 1 limonka
- 1 czerwona cebula, przekrojona na połówki (ok. 60 g) 1 mała papryczka chilli, przekrojona na połówki, bez pestek
- kilka gałązek kolendry
- 1 łyżka oleju
- sól i pieprz do smaku
Akcesoria, których potrzebujesz
Naczynie miksujące kompletne premium
Podziel się przepisem
Dzisiaj to przygotujęPrzygotowanie
Do naczynia miksującego wlać wodę, włożyć koszyczek i umieścić w nim jajka, gotować 16 min/Varoma/obr. 1. 2. Jajka wystudzić, obrać, przekroić wzdłuż na pół i wydrążyć żółtka. 3. Awokado przekroić na pół usunąć pestkę, wydrążyć miąższ i skropić go sokiem z limonki. 4. Do suchego naczynia miksującego włożyć cebulę, chilli i kolendrę, rozdrobnić 3 s/obr. 5. 5. Dodać awokado, żółtka i olej zmiksować 10 s/obr. 4, kopystką zgarnąć wszystkie składniki ze ścianek naczynia, powtórzyć czynność miksowania. 6. Doprawić solą i pieprzem. Nafaszerować jajka pastą, udekorować kawałkami limonki i listkami kolendry.
Model urządzenia Thermomix®
Przepis jest tworzony dla
TM 31
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NYT Wordle has launched a Wordle-like game post-2022, I recommend checking the official New York Times website or app for the most current information. Wordle NYT is often played competitively, with players competing to guess the word in as few attempts as possible.
Ny Wordle is a word-guessing game where players attempt to guess a secret five-letter word within six or fewer attempts. Wordle Ny provides feedback by highlighting correct letters in green, letters that are correct but in the wrong position in yellow, and incorrect letters in gray. The objective is to deduce the correct word through a process of elimination and strategic guessing."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">Ny Wordle is a word-guessing game where players attempt to guess a secret five-letter word within six or fewer attempts. Wordle Ny provides feedback by highlighting correct letters in green, letters that are correct but in the wrong position in yellow, and incorrect letters in gray. The objective is to deduce the correct word through a process of elimination and strategic guessing.
Quardle is a word puzzle game inspired by the popular online game Wordle. In Quordle, players attempt to guess four five-letter words simultaneously. After each guess, the game provides feedback on the correctness of the guessed words by highlighting correct letters in green, incorrect letters in yellow, and misplaced letters in gray"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">Quardle is a word puzzle game inspired by the popular online game Wordle. In Quordle, players attempt to guess four five-letter words simultaneously. After each guess, the game provides feedback on the correctness of the guessed words by highlighting correct letters in green, incorrect letters in yellow, and misplaced letters in gray
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Wordle Game Vs Quordle has taken the internet by storm. This intriguing and challenging game has captured the hearts and minds of word enthusiasts worldwide. If you’re looking to improve your skills and make the most of each round.
Wordle 2
Wordle Nyt is an enhanced version of the classic game that was featured in The New York Times Wordle. What sets it apart is its social and competitive features, allowing players to challenge their friends and see who can guess the word in the fewest attempts
Waffle Game is a virtual gaming experience that combines the joy of waffle appreciation with immersive gameplay. It's not just about flipping waffles; it's about navigating through a world filled with syrupy challenges and delightful surprises.
In today's digital age, streaming services have revolutionized the way we consume entertainment. HBO Max, one of the leading platforms, offers a vast library of premium content. To enjoy HBO Max on your TV, you need to sign in. This article will guide you through the process of signing in to HBO Max on your television, ensuring you can access all the fantastic shows and movies.
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